Friday, April 5, 2013

Song Dogs of the Santa Cruz Mountains

Because I've been a bit nutty busy lately -

And because it sounds (reads?) like you all are fans of them -

I'll let these beautiful Santa Cruz Mountains coyotes do my singing on this fine Friday night...





male coyote

male coyote

male coyote

male coyote

male coyote


male coyote

male coyote

male coyote

For the record, all of the above behavior seems to have been inspired by dribbles of a "scat sauce" I made of water and collected coyote poops squished into a paste in a ziploc bag.

At least I thought they were all coyote poops I used to make the sauce. Perhaps one of them was more interesting and/or extra stinky.

This fair lady latrans seemed to like it as well. Isn't that mark on her lower lip cool?

female coyote

female coyote

female coyote

female coyote4


Other coyote-themed posts I've done:


  1. Gorgeous animal, thanks for posting.

  2. The pictures of that female 'yote are fantastic.....

  3. The photos I got today of coyotes on carcass cams included some of a tragically mangy coyote with rat tail and blood on its face even when going to the carcass. Many faces of coyotes.

  4. Very cool captures!!

  5. One need not go into the mountains to see these guys. Tonight I saw one running down Church Street in downtown Santa Cruz.


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