Saturday, August 25, 2012

Rock n Roll Bobcat

What's that? You all want more bobcats?

Works for me.

Under the shade of volcanic rock, on a pumice and pinyon pine slope, I set a "corner cam."

I.e., a camera trap set designed to get animals as they explore around a corner.

the set

Much like the Grotto set, a bobkitty was the largest of the 11 species to play-through.

But on the first visit, she didn't have time to dally about...




And on her second visit, bobkitty defeated my "corner cam" - sneaking in over the rock.

Dang spidey-cats.

But nicely, she stopped for a good roll.

And I didn't even use catnip this time - just a few dabs of a slightly skunky scent.

bobcat roll

bobcat roll

bobcat roll

bobcat roll

bobcat roll

bobcat roll

bobcat roll

bobcat roll

bobcat roll

bobcat roll

bobcat roll

bobcat roll

bobcat roll

bobcat roll

Everyone all together now: "Awwwwww..."

Here's the full series of photos in a flipbook-style video:

Now that we've gotten our bobcat-cuteness fix, we'll look at the other 10 species that passed by over the 8 weeks this Mono Basin camera lasted.



  1. super nice shot of her pads showing toes and front versus hind. I really want to figure out what a roll print looks like. Maybe I should put a big box of scented sand in my house and dump one of the house cats in it. Will the family abide such important research?

  2. *sigh*

    aw..... already popped out of my mouth. Such a great sequence. Fun to see a bobcat do something other than hunt & stare at you. Very kitty-cat like.

    It's funny how you can know about eyespots, but they can still startle, even though you are looking at a series of bobcat photos. When it works, it works!


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